Local drivers are hoping to be able to start using the Lord Selkirk Bridge once again today.

Work should be wrapping up on the Lord Selkirk Bridge, November 13, 2019. Photo credit: Robyn Brady.

The bridge was shut down in early February for major rehabilitation.

Originally slated to reopen at the end of August, the project has faced several delays along the way.

“The contractor’s been moving forward, making sure the bridge will be open for vehicular and pedestrian use,” says Director of Engineering and Transportation, Chris Thibert. “But due to the significant weather we just received, there may be a slight change.”

Thibert says there were a lot of unknowns when repairing the bridge.

“Anytime you’re trying to salvage existing members of the bridge for reuse and re-purposing and not knowing the condition of it until you start peeling the bridge apart and uncovering these issues, that’s the biggest challenge that we’ve had.”

Thibert says that while the project may not have been on time, it did come within its $3-million budget.