Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP Monte McNaughton says his newly expanded responsibilities in the Legislature will mean greater opportunities for local residents.

Earlier this week, McNaughton had Training and Skills Development added to his Labour Ministry portfolio.

“By the year 2032, Ontario’s going to be short about 200,000 skilled trade workers,” McNaughton says. “There’s a huge opportunity. I love what’s happening locally in places in Wallaceburg and right across southwestern Ontario when it comes to the trades.”

McNaughton says he’s like to see trades training begin in elementary school, as well as continuing through high school.

He says the financial benefits alone are huge.

“One of my best friends who’s been a unionized insulator for over 30 years, these people are making over $100,000 a year.”

McNaughton says small or large businesses, union or non-union, the skilled trades are vital to Ontario’s economy.