BrainThe Wynne Government is opening up the Provincial Wallet to help children and youth with mental health issues.  Ontario is spending an additional $107,900 annually to improve mental services for children and youth in Lambton County.

According to the Province 1 in 5 children experience a mental health challenge and roughly 70 per cent of mental health challenges begin in early childhood.  The Provincial money will go to hire one new full-time social worker and two part-time child and youth mental health workers that will help St. Clair Child and Youth Services.

4 new rotating walk in sites will also be established so that those in rural areas will have access to services as well.  St. Clair Child and Youth Services will also provide more family supports to address attachment and anxiety issues.

$6 million in funding supports, in 33 service areas across Ontario is being offered up by the Liberals.  Ontario is working to support families and create positive environments so all of our children and youth can reach their full potential.