Wallaceburg Municipal Service Centre. Photo credit: Robyn Brady.

A series of ward-by-ward public consultations on municipal services continues this week.

Three sessions were held last week, getting input from residents in West, South, and East Kent.

Mayor Darrin Canniff says KPMG has been hired to review the municipality’s operations.

“Tell us how efficient we are and give us ideas of where we can be more efficient,” Canniff says. “We want the input from the public, their thoughts on services because KPMG will be listening and when they here about certain areas, they’re going to look into them more.”

Canniff says the review can’t be done without residents’ input.

“Whatever services you receive from the municipality, which is a lot, any one of those you can say I’m happy with that or no, can you look at that, I don’t understand that, or I’d like to see more of whatever that is.”

There are three ward-specific sessions being held this week, including North Kent, Wallaceburg, and Chatham.

Ward 4 (North Kent) – Tuesday, July 20, 2021 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Microsoft Teams Meeting Link – Ward 4
Audio Only: +1 647 794 1236 Phone Conference ID: 843 795 438#

Ward 5 (Wallaceburg) – Wednesday, July 21, 2021 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Microsoft Teams Meeting Link – Ward 5
Audio Only: +1 647 794 1236 Phone Conference ID: 333 141 925#

Ward 6 (Chatham) – Thursday, July 22, 2021 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Microsoft Teams Meeting Link – Ward 6
Audio Only: +1 647 794 1236 Phone Conference ID: 929 337 744#