It will be another week before a new crosswalk light is installed at the corner of Murray and Reaume in Wallaceburg. 

Originally slated to be activated by the end of this week, Chris Thibert, Chatham-Kent’s Manager of Infrastructure Services, says some of the materials were delayed.

“We have confirmed with the contractor that they are planning on getting in there November 24th,” Thibert says. “We’re going to be changing that existing pedestrian crossover to a pedestrian signal on the 24th, and if there is any potential, slight delay it might go into the Saturday, but we’re hoping everything gets wrapped up in the one day.”

The 24th is a PA day for students, and Thibert says the crosswalk will be finished and ready for when kids return to school the following week.

The municipality is working to keep local residents in the loop, especially when it comes to safety.

“We have reached out to all the local schools in the area, instructing them on what the changes are going to be and essentially how to use the new pedestrian signal,” Thibert says. “The whole purpose of that is to provide (the information) to their students and to the families, and of course if there was any further education or information requested, we made sure to let them know.”

Thibert says the new crossing light is the most advanced and safest device available and should ease the community’s concerns about the area.