You might have noticed that the municipality dropped the ball in regards to grass-cutting on some municipal properties in the past month.

A motion from Chatham-Kent councillor Anthony Ceccacci will come to council tonight, which will look to change the way the municipality oversees and tenders grass-cutting contracts with outside businesses.

Among the changes that Ceccacci proposes include having one municipal department to be in charge of grass cutting for all parcels of grass throughout the municipality to ensure continuity, consistency and ownership of the grass cutting operations.

As well, Ceccacci wants administration to develop a five-year tender package for 2023-2028 municipal grass cutting to be issued in the fall of 2022 to provide successful bidders with adequate time to purchase equipment and hire staff for the 2023 year.

Ceccacci would also like for Chatham-Kent administration to submit an internal bid to the 2023-2028 tender to compare to the external bids for council consideration to ensure taxpayers are getting value for their tax dollars.