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A special open house is being held later today to discuss future plans for Chatham-Kent’s parks and recreation programs.

The meeting focuses on the municipality’s plans to update its Parks and Recreation Master Plan.

The updated master plan will provide a long-term vision for the municipality’s park system, as well as specific policies and standards to direct day-to-day decisions on infrastructure, services, and programs.

Today’s open house will feature interactive presentation boards that focus on a project overview, the study area, goals, objectives, wants, needs, and current perception among other elements.

Municipal staff will also be available to answer questions and receive feedback during the session.

Tonight’s session runs from 4:30 until 7:30 at the Bradley Convention Centre.

An online survey is also collecting input from local residents until Friday, August 9 at 3pm. For more information on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan or to take part in the online public survey, click here.

This is phase two of five with more public engagement to come. A report is expected back before council in late spring 2025.