Several police officers and 911 operators in Chatham-Kent are being recognized for their actions, which helped to save the life of a suicidal woman.

After getting a call to a suicide hotline on May 16 asking for officers to check on the well-being of a woman, Chatham-Kent police received several 911 calls reporting that a woman was on top of the Charing Cross Road bridge that crosses Highway 401.

It was learned that police had dealt with the woman the previous evening for similar suicidal threats, which led to an extensive search effort. She was ultimately located and brought to the hospital.

Constables Nathan Pratt and Alex Mungar were the first to respond to Charing Cross Road and found the woman on the overpass with both her feet dangling over the edge, about 20 feet above the highway. The officers immediately requested that traffic be blocked on Charing Cross Road and that the OPP close Highway 401 in the area.

Constables Ryan Gardiner, Rick Bertok and Sergeant Josh Flikweert began to negotiate with the woman, as Constables Mungar, Avery Wilson, Branden Grellmore, and Marko Sapateiro blocked traffic. Constable Joel Rehill also assisted the OPP on the 401.

After around 30 minutes, Constables Gardiner and Bertok were able to grab the woman, getting her off the ledge, and bringing her to safety.

The woman was taken to the hospital for assistance.

According to Chief Kirk Earley, several emergency communications operators (ECO) were instrumental in ensuring the incident ended with a positive outcome by relaying vital information to officers, EMS, and CK firefighters.

As a result of their life-saving actions, the nine officers will receive a Chief’s Commendation during a CK Police Services Board meeting on Tuesday. ECOs Brock Bechard, Helen Grubb, Samantha Cowdrey, Danielle Bird, Jennifer Roesch, Tori Labadie, Keely Smith, McKenna Ladd, Brook-lyn Phelan, and Camryn Dudley will also be recognized with a Chief’s Commendation during the meeting.