Photo courtesy of CKHA.

Chatham’s hospital became home to a new brightly coloured bench.

The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance unveiled a pride-themed bench at its Chatham site on June 14 in celebration of Pride Month.

The pride bench displays the colour of the rainbow flag, which has long been a symbol of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (2SLGBTQ+) social movements.

The bench will be permanently located near the main entrance at the Chatham Site and was gifted from retired CKHA pharmacist Janet Johnston and local physician Dr. Ian Johnston.

Ten per cent of the purchase price of the bench will be donated to CK Pride – a non-profit organization that creates opportunities to celebrate, advocate, support, mentor, and educate to enhance the quality of life for members of the 2SLGTBQ+ community in Chatham-Kent.

“This beautiful bench generously donated by the Johnstons to CKHA provides a visual symbol of the ongoing commitment to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion for the 2SLGTBQ+ community. CK Pride celebrates with you!” Said Marianne Willson, Chair, Board of Directors, CK Pride.