Photo courtesy of Walpole Island First Nation Council.

Walpole Island’s Chief and Council have announced a review of the First Nation’s finances amid public criticisms of local leadership.

A public letter addressed to members of the Bkejwanong Territory was published online on Monday after the Walpole Island governance building was vandalized with posters criticizing Chief Dan Miskokomon and council members.

“Chief and Council has inherited a complex financial situation. The challenges we face today are rooted in past issues, particularly a lack of transparency and accountability in previous financial decisions made by prior chief and councils, and programs,” the chief and council said in the letter. “It is concerning that three fiscal years of audits are outstanding, putting at risk critical funding that WIFN requires to meet the needs of membership.”

The letter noted that deadlines for budgets from several programs have not been met, and funding is currently in jeopardy because the last three financial audits have not been completed.

Due to the First Nation’s current financial situation, the chief and council said they will be launching a comprehensive examination of the finances of 182 departments and programs, including audits, budgets, and work plans, from the past five years.

“We assure the membership that this Chief and Council is performing due diligence and correcting any/all financial anomalies identified through this process,” the letter stated.

Chief and Council said Walpole Island’s current financial instability has adversely affected key community programs. However, they did not specify how so or to what degree.

CKXS News has reached out to Walpole Island First Nation for further comment but did not receive a response ahead of publication.