Blenheim’s Red Barn Brewing Company is opening their new Brew Room Store on Canada Day.
Red Barn has been approved by the Alcohol Gaming Commission to set up a temporary take-out style retail store right out of their Brew Room.
The Brew Room Store will launch on July 1 from 9am to 5pm.
Dan English, co-owner and lead brewer along with his brother in law and sister co-owners Denny Vervaet and his wife Sandy have been brewing up a storm since they received their manufacturers license this spring.
“We are offering a few different beers while we launch in these unprecedented times. There will be a few of our ‘Farm Four’ beers available in cans as well as our first batch ever brewed on the big system that will be sold in growlers.”
Although, the tasting room is in the final stages of completion, the team has put most of their focus on the production side in order to brew and get their products to market.
“With this pandemic we have had to shift gears and change a lot of our plans of how we wanted to launch,” says Danny Vervaet. “There was no way we could have planned for this, but we are just rolling with the punches.”
The tasting room and the rest of the building is still not permitted to open to the public due to Covid-19, but the team were thrilled when they were able to get approvals to open their Brew Room as a temporary retail store.
“We thank the community for all the support they have given us” says Sandy Vervaet. “It’s still unbelievable when we are approached by different people that want to buy our merchandise and then to see it worn around town is really cool. A common question asked is when we are able to sell our beer; well, we now have a date.”
Due to the pandemic, there will be a limited the amount of people permitted in the Brew Room Store at a time. Guests will be able to view the brewhouse and fermenters from the store but will not be able to tour the rest of the building at this time. Beer lovers are asked to take all necessary cautions when coming on-site including keeping safe distances from one another.
Parking is available on-site and directions will be given as to where to enter the store.
The Blenheim-based brewery will be the first farm brewery in Chatham-Kent and will be promoted as a family friendly farm and Agri-Tourist destination for locals, travelers, and visitors abroad!
Red Barn is excited to be the next Craft Brewery in Chatham-Kent where customers can see and learn about how the beer is made; fresh from the farm.
Seasonal and staple beers will be offered for tasting by the glass and visitors will be able to attend special events that will take place right on the farm. Red Barn Brewing Company will be utilizing as many local ingredients and unique one of kind processes to support area growers, producers, and other small businesses.