Home99.1 NewsRidge Landfill Expansion Back At Council
Ridge Landfill Expansion Back At Council
Ridge landill photo courtesy of ridgelandfill.com
Expansion of the Ridge Landfill will be discussed at Chatham-Kent’s virtual table on Monday night.
The official plan agreement, zoning by-law amendments and host community agreements will be at the centre of those discussions.
It is being recommended for council to approve changes for the land use designation from an agricultural area, agricultural buffer and open space / conservation lands to a waste management site for the purpose of expanding the landfill.
Similar zoning by-law amendments are being recommended for adoption.
The property involved is documented as “part of Lots 13 to 15, Concession 4 WCR in the community of Harwich.”
Administration is also recommending council authorize Mayor Canniff and the Municipality Clerk to execute Host Community Agreements with Ridge (Chatham) Holdings L.P. regarding the expansion AND to confirm Chatham-Kent’s support for the Ridge Landfill expansion to the province once agreements have been completed.
The current site for the Ridge Landfill is scheduled to reach its approved capacity by next year.
The landfill receives industrial, institutional and commercial waste from across Ontario.
Initial plans estimated a new site or expansion would give the landfill another 20 years to accept waste.
Full details on the recommendations made to council and the discussion points for Monday night on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment can be found by CLICKING HERE.Details onthe Host Community Agreement can be found HERE.