A local organization is opening its doors to the public this evening.

ROCK Missions spokesperson Colleen Lewis says the open house is a chance to give the public a closer look at the work they do to help those experiencing homelessness in the community.

“The need in our community for those that are not housed, homeless, struggling with their mental health, struggling with addiction, we go out to them.”

ROCK Missions, which stands for Reach Out Chatham-Kent, was founded in 2019. Volunteers make and package food and other supplies, work as a volunteer drivers, or provide outreach in the community offering support to those in need.

“It’s hard right now,” Lewis says with emotion choking her voice. “As everyone knows, things are more expensive, housing is actually at its worst right now. A person cannot get into a simple bachelor apartment, it’s just not attainable or affordable. More people that were just living on the edge are now living outside. They’re bouncing from place to place, and that leaves people very vulnerable and put in very difficult situations.”

The program initially launched in Chatham and has since expanded to Wallaceburg. Volunteers are now supporting those experiencing homelessness in Blenheim and Ridgetown as well.

Tonight’s open house at the Nonprofit Centre, 425 McNaughton Avenue West in Chatham, from 6-8pm to recruit more volunteers.