Some changes are coming to the leadership of one local school board.
Elizabeth Hudie is taking over as Chair of the Lambton-Kent District School Board, with Scott McKinley elected as vice chair.
“I appreciate the support of my fellow Trustees and I look forward to assuming the role as Chair of the Lambton Kent District School Board,” Hudie says. “In this new role, I remain committed to fair, open and transparent governance in the interest of students’ success.”
No major changes over at the St Clair Catholic board, John Van Heck was acclaimed to the Chair’s post for the third straight term, while Michelle Parks maintains her role as vice chair.
“Our multi-year strategic plan, which focuses on living our faith and student achievement; and our new Chatham schools will be your legacy,” says Van Heck. “But I know that you are not about legacy; rather, you are about building God’s Kingdom through our schools.”