Local school boards are getting prepared to welcome kids back to the classroom in just over two weeks.

The Lambton Kent District School Board has released its plan for the 2021-22 school year, confirming students from SK to grade 12 will start back to class, whether in-person or online, on September 7th. Junior kindergarten classes will resume September 8th.

Director of Education John Howitt says there are some things, however, they can’t plan for quite yet.

“We have followed the Ministry guidance, there are a few exceptions of things that are permitted that we are just not quite ready to embrace yet,” Howitt says. “An example of that are assemblies. We think we just need to gather a little bit more data and let the school year get started before we go in that direction.”

Howitt says allowing students to eat in the cafeteria will be made based on the size of each school and the ability to distance from other cohorts.

COVID protocols remain in place, including hand hygiene, distancing, and respiratory etiquette. Masks will be mandatory indoors and on student transportation for students in grades 1-12. Students in Kindergarten are strongly encouraged, but not required to wear a mask.

Ventilation systems have been modified to increase the amount of incoming fresh air and have been programmed to operate longer hours to ensure occupied spaces have full air exchanges before, during and after class time.

You can read the full LKDSB return to school plan online – CLICK HERE. 

As far as the St Clair Catholic District School Board goes, Superintendent of Education Scott Johnson says they are hoping to have their own plan made public within the next week. He says as with the LKDSB, the English Catholic board plans to hold back on allowing some activities, including assemblies, eating in cafeterias, and field trips at the start of the school year.