Photo credit: Robyn Brady.

A new program designed to give students the chance to connect with first responders could expand to schools throughout Chatham-Kent following a positive year at Ridgetown District High School.

The Stop, Drop, This is How We Roll initiative was launched at the beginning of the year at the Ridgetown school, with a representative from an emergency service providing a presentation to the Grade 10 Civics & Careers class once a week.

To showcase all types of first responders, the representatives ranged from the training department to volunteers employed with Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue, EMS, and the Chatham-Kent Police Service.

The first responders would then conclude their presentations by spending the lunch hour with students.

Fire Chief Chris Case said the purpose of the program was to provide an opportunity for members of local emergency services to form relationships with the youth in the Chatham-Kent community.

“Any opportunity we’ve got to influence these children, to try and get some good messaging to them, to try and help them protect themselves in life, that’s the whole point of this,” he said. “The more we can do that, the more opportunity there is to protect our young people and to help them stay safe as they progress through this part of their life.”

Along with providing support to the school community, the attending first responders would typically discuss public safety, emergency services-related education, and relationship building.

Case said the program also provided students with a chance to learn more about careers as first responders.

“We want to see our young people stay in Chatham-Kent… and if they can start a career in the emergency services, that’s even better so they can serve the community,” said Case.

An event will be held at Ridgetown District High School on Thursday to celebrate the conclusion of the program, which will provide students with the opportunity to share their experiences.

Case said he hopes to see the program expanded to other schools in the near future.

“I would really like the opportunity to explore this more and see if there’s a way that we can expand this so other young people get this opportunity,” he said.