Local students will be getting a first-hand look at careers in agriculture by touring Chatham-Kent’s leading agricultural businesses.
Chatham-Kent Community Attraction and Promotion and Economic Development and Tourism Services department have organized an Agriculture Career Day for Specialist High Skills Major students from the Lambton Kent District School Board, St. Clair Catholic District School Board, and Conseil scolaire catholique Providence.
“Research shows there will be an estimated 17,600 job openings in our community between 2023 and 2031, including 1,587 jobs in the agriculture sector,” said Teresa Fysh, a talent attraction and retention coordinator for Chatham-Kent, in a news release. “By connecting students with employers, we aim to inspire them to build their careers locally, bring their talents back to grow our community and economy.”
On Wednesday, students will take part in workplace tours at Agris Co-operative Inc., Delta Power Equipment, Devolder Farms, and Truly Green Farms.
The event is expected to connect students with leading agricultural businesses, providing them with insights into workplace operations and the skills required in the industry. The event will also highlight career opportunities within agriculture, such as the skilled trades, animal and plant sciences, and business management, among others.