Following a devastating fire that destroyed Bothwell’s post office, a temporary location is opening its doors to serve the community.
Canada Post will begin operating a temporary post office in the Community Room of the Bothwell Town Hall at 320 Main St. beginning on Thursday. The location will operate on Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Customers who had PO boxes at the former location will be able to pick up their mail at the new location with valid government-issued photo ID. Carded items can also be picked up, however, retail services will not be available. Customers needing additional services are encouraged to use the post officers in Thamesville or Wardsville.
Mail delivery in Bothwell resumed on Wednesday following the Main Street fire that occurred during the early morning hours of January 17. The fire started at the Bothwell Diner before spreading to the neighbouring post office and general store. All three buildings were destroyed in the blaze.
Anyone with questions about postal services can contact Canada Post online at or by telephone at 1-866-607-6301.