Several hundred supporters and a handful of dissenters gathered in Tilbury on Thanksgiving Monday to catch a glimpse of Justin Trudeau.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau meeting with supporters in Tilbury, October 14, 2019. Photo credit: Robyn Brady.

The Liberal Leader made a quick campaign stop at Flapjacks restaurant between events in Windsor and London.

One of those who came to meet Trudeau was Mellissa Patrick, whose young daughter Megan is battling cancer. The Liberal leader took several minutes to stop and talk with the family, a move that brought Mellissa to tears.

“Because he is championing childhood cancer research, he’s promised $30-million,” Patrick says. “Childhood cancer is so underfunded, it needs new research, it needs new drugs, our kids need this.”

Meantime, Chatham-Kent-Leamington Liberal candidate Katie Omstead says having  the party’s leader make a stop in the riding is a nice boost for her campaign heading into the home stretch.

“We really appreciate that he and his entire family came right here to Tilbury, small-town Chatham-Kent-Leamington, to show support for our whole region and show that we are in this race and we are going to win it October 21st,” Omstead says. “We’re going to have a seat at the table in Ottawa.”

Trudeau is only the second party leader to stop in Chatham-Kent during the election campaign. PPC Leader Maxime Bernier toured through Chatham and Wallaceburg earlier this month.