Although the overall number of active COVID cases in Chatham-Kent is holding steady, the number of outbreaks is on the rise.

Public Health is now keeping tabs on six outbreaks across the municipality. Three linked cases have been identified at Copper Terrace nursing home in Chatham, and an outbreak has been declared at Tilbury District High School with two confirmed cases.

There are also outbreaks at both the public and high school in Dresden, an un-named workplace, and Praise Fellowship Church in Chatham.

Overall, there are 13 new cases being reported today and 12 resolved. Adding in the death of COVID patient at the Health Alliance earlier this week, the active caseload sits at 112.

The number of COVID patients at the Health Alliance has dipped to nine, eight of whom are CK residents.

Of those being treated in hospital, 5 are in the ICU, four on ventilators. Just one of the COVID patients has been fully vaccinated.

13 hospital staff are now off work because of testing positive for COVID or being exposed to the virus.