8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

 More info on Visalus below and at http://gainenergy.bodybyvi.com/ 

“Fast food” made healthy


Cutting calories while getting proper nutrition can be hard, expensive, and


time-consuming. Vi-Shape™ offers you a fast ‘ideal meal’ that can save you


money while providing amazing nutrition.


To make a meal, mix 2 rounded scoops of the Vi-Shape® shake mix into non-fat


milk or soy milk and blend. Mix with water for a protein snack. For added flavor


and nutrition, you can also blend in fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Try our


ViSalus Shaper™ Flavour Mix-Ins for added variety.


Why is our shake better than others?


1. A unique and concentrated blend of proteins processed to remove fat,


lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones. Mixed with milk or soy milk it


provides 20–22 grams of protein, the right mix to burn fat and build


lean muscle.


2. Low sodium. Lower than other brands!


3. Contains a serving of calcium, for bone health.


4. Contains vegetable fiber, without gas.


5. Contains digestive aids and enzymes, including prebiotic activity for


maximum nutrition absorption.


6. Smells and tastes like cake mix! No grit! No metallic aftertaste.


What’s in Vi-Shape®?


1. A unique blend of proteins that work quickly and provide long–lasting

 nutrition along with diet and exercise to help you burn fat and build lean

 muscle. Each shake contains a recommended Meal Plan to help you acheive

 your goals.

 2. Heart healthy non-GMO soy protein (No Isoflavones)

3.Fibersol, a new ingredient supports health (5.5 grams).

4.Enzymes to help your body maximize protein intake.

5.23 Vitamins and minerals, along with other ingredients that help you burn fat.