The Wallaceburg and District Museum is back in business. After being closed for months because of the pandemic, the facility is finally reopening by appointment.

Mayor Darrin Canniff says even with COVID restrictions, it’s great to see.

Right here in Chatham-Kent we’ve got a kind of wonderful thing, what an opportunity with COVID to get out and do staycations,” Canniff says. “I would love to see they’re booked for the next month solid as far as tours and things.”

Visitors will have to call 519-627-8962 at least 24 hours ahead to schedule an visit.

In addition to sanitizing the entire building, volunteers and staff have been working to create new displays and updating existing ones.

Plans are still in the works for next month’s spring vendor sale on April 17th – however, officials say if Chatham-Kent is in the Red or Grey level of COVID restrictions, it will have to be postponed.

Due to COVID-19, the museum has made changes, including requiring contact information, a self-assessment questionnaire, masks, and social distancing inside the building. The frequency of cleaning and sanitization has also increased.  For more details on COVID-19 related protocols, visit