The issue of wind turbines will be back at Queen’s Park once again today.

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Some area MPPs will be joined by the Wallaceburg Area Wind Concerns group and a number of others from communities across the province.

A petition with over 3000 signatures will be presented in the Legislature, calling on the government to more strictly enforce its own rules when it comes to noise modelling guidelines for wind developments.

The issue revolves around the creation of “Transition Provisions” by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change in the Renewable Energy Approval process, which allows wind power developers to sidestep new noise modelling guidelines.

“These power generators emit a range of noise and can be very disruptive for the citizens forced to live near them,” says WAWC spokesperson Denise Shepherd. “We believe regulations set by the government to protect citizens should be followed.”

Critics say the government is putting residents’ health and safety at risk.